Monday, June 8, 2009

Bringing Home A Puppy

It is always exciting when you decide to add a new member to the family, whether it is a child, or a furbaby. However, a furbaby requires almost as much preparation as a real baby does, if you stop and think about it. With some planning however, it does not need to be a daunting task,  just merely some fun along the way of adding a new family member.

If you have ever had a baby you know the pregnancy tasks of shopping for baby supplies, pediatrician shopping and setting up baby's room. Well your puppy is not much different, you need to go shopping for supplies, shop around for a great vet whom you feel completely comfortable with and set up a place for puppy to call their own. Seems very similar now does it?

The first step in this process should be considering the type of breed you want. There is little use buying a dog bed for a 200-pound dog if you decide to get a dog that will weight 5 pounds fully grown, that is a waste of money. Your first task should be some homework. Decide upon what traits are most important to you in a dog, and start looking for breeds that include those traits. You should also consider the appearance of the dog, specifically how the grooming needs fit into your lifestyle. If you are a wash and wear person with your hair, are you really going to be dedicated to grooming a longhaired dog on an almost daily basis?

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