Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Introducing Puppies to Puppy Food and Water

Weaning Puppies

Puppies grow so fast. One day the tiny, newborn pups which spend all of their time cuddled to their mother sleeping or nursing. The next they are learning to stand on all fours and are beginning to walk. Before you know it the puppies are little dogs, running and playing, chewing on  everything and ready to wean.

At around six weeks of age puppies gain the ability to lap up their fluids. However, they are still dependant on nursing for nutrition. At this time fresh water can be offered in a large shallow pan. Puppies need to practice lapping up their fluids at this age as they will soon be ready to wean.

After the sixth week puppies can be offered a weaning supplement. This is a powder which comes in a can just like a baby formula. All you do is add the right amount of water to the powder and serve. Weaning supplements can be found at your local farm store, or at the pet store. It will provide the nutrition of mothers milk to the pups as they are beginning to wean. Fresh water should be given separately.

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