Thursday, May 28, 2009

How to Switch Your Dogs Food

You know that your new puppy is starting to get bigger and it will not be long until he is on adult dog food. Now you also know that you will need to take some steps to assure that he transitions over to the adult food properly. So you will want to make sure  you take several steps first to assure that the transition goes smoothly.

The first step that you will want to take while preparing to transition your dog to some new dog food is to find the food that you want your dog to eat. Now this could be the same brand of food that your puppy is currently on or a different brand. I know with my dog I transitioned him to the same adult food brand for a little while then I transitioned him to a different brand of dog food. After you determine what brand of dog food you're going to transition to you will want to purchase that brand of dog food.

The second step that I took while transitioning my dog to adult food was I would put his puppy food in his bowl then mix in a small amount of the new adult food each day. After about a week I would gradually increase the amount of adult food in his bowl. I would repeat this process every week until he was getting about equal amounts of puppy and adult food. Then after he had been getting equal amounts of puppy and adult food for a while I would take and gradually reduce the puppy food amount.

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